Tips and Trick

How to keep your skin glowing while fasting!

clock with fork and salad dish

When we fast, our body is prone to water deficiency due to many factors such as hormonal changes and metabolic processes. This can be bad for your body and skin! Especially with the unstable weather, sometimes hot and sometimes rainy. Automatically, our bodies are even more vulnerable. But don’t worry, Sereni-Trees! We can still maintain our health and keep our skin glowing during the fasting month as long as we follow these tips.

Don’t miss it, let’s read it until the end!

Skin Health Complications During Fasting

Fasting means we don’t consume food or drink from sunrise to sunset. That’s about 14 hours of fasting! There are several complications that can arise if we don’t do our fasting routine properly. For example, not following the sahur or not drinking enough during sahur and iftar. 

Some of the skin health complications that are prone to arise include:

  • Dry effect on the skin

When your body is dehydrated, your skin is more prone to dryness and irritation. If we don’t improve our fluid intake during sahur and iftar, our skin can lose its elasticity over time, and can even become scaly and flaky. Apart from the skin, lips can also become dry and chapped.

  • Skin becomes dull and rough

Not only dry, your skin is also prone to becoming dull and rough, especially for those who do outdoor activities and are exposed to the sun. These transitional weather conditions can certainly reduce the protective power of our skin!

  • The appearance of acne

Fasting is a time when our hormones can fluctuate! For example: An increase in insulin can increase oil production on the skin. Excess oil or sebum will inevitably lead to acne breakouts. Additionally, dry or dehydrated skin can also cause the skin to produce more sebum to “moisturise” the skin.

  • More sensitive to free radicals and sunlight

If our skin is not well-maintained during the fasting period, it will definitely become more vulnerable to external factors such as dust, dirt, pollution, and sunlight. That’s why it’s important to keep protecting your skin from the inside out!

Those are some examples of skin health complications if we don’t fast properly, Sereni-Trees. In fact, apart from the skin, we can also experience other risks such as fainting, dehydration, lack of muscle mass, and decreased immunity. So to avoid these risks, make sure to fast properly!

Fasting Tips for Healthy and Glowing Skin

Fasting is a blessed and spiritual time for Muslims around the world. In addition to its spiritual benefits, fasting also provides an opportunity for the body to cleanse itself and rejuvenate. However, often in this process, skin health can be neglected. To avoid causing health complications, let’s follow Serenitree’s tips on how to fast well!

Firstly, we must ensure that we consume enough fluids. The guideline is the 2-4-2 pattern which means: Drink 2 glasses of water at sahur, 4 glasses at iftar, and 2 glasses at night before bed. If you have a special condition that requires more fluid intake, you can definitely increase the number of glasses! Don’t forget to drink water! This is because the fluids we need are not in the form of caffeine or soda, as these drinks can actually take away our body fluids. 

As for your food intake when you break your fast, if possible, avoid fried and oily foods. Apart from the lack of nutrients contained, fried foods can contribute to oil production on the skin which leads to dullness, acne, and inflammation! Even worse, the compounds in fried foods can damage collagen and elastin in the skin. Delicious in the mouth for a moment, regretful later!

One food that we don’t recommend consuming a lot of during fasting is high-sugar foods. Why is that? Foods with high sugar content often make us full quickly and hungry again. In addition, the negative impact on the skin is inflammation and acne. 

The ideal foods that we can consume during the fasting period are complex carbohydrates (brown rice, wholemeal bread), lean proteins (meat, fish, eggs), green vegetables (peas, broccoli), and high-fibre fruits.

Last but not least, we must also get enough rest and always protect our skin with sunscreen. A healthy body, with adequate nutrition and protected from free radicals will certainly maintain the natural glow of the skin, even when fasting! 

Benefits of Using Serenitree Lotion During Fasting

Most of the fasting tips above can take care of skin health from the “inside” of the body! But our job is not done there, we must not forget to take care of our skin from the outside as well. Skincare that is no less important than sunscreen is body lotion.

Surely, lotion is a must-have for everyday use, but its benefits during the fasting period are immense! Here are just a few examples of the positive benefits we can expect:

  • Moisturises and smoothes skin

Say bye to dry, flaky and peeling skin! Coupled with adequate water consumption and regular lotion application, skin is sure to stay smooth, hydrated and healthy during the fasting month.

  • Keeps skin naturally glowing

For Sereni-Trees who want to naturally brighten their skin or keep their skin bright, you can really try Serenitree’s natural body lotion Brightening variant! Complete with Niacinamide content that can brighten and even out skin tone, it is certainly a holygrail of many people!

  • Improves mood and reduces anxiety/stress

Who says body lotion can only take care of your skin? Serenitree Calming lotion with the aroma of lavender essential oil is perfect for relaxation on a tired day. Anxiety and stress will go away!

Wow, it turns out we have to make an effort inside and out to keep our skin healthy and glowing during fasting. But remember Sereni-Trees, this good habit if we do it regularly, we also feel the good benefits. It’s a long-term health investment. You don’t have to be afraid of dull skin during the fasting period anymore. Keep your spirits up and hopefully your fast will last until the end!

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