Tips and Trick

How to Know Your Skin Type: A Complete Guide to Skincare 

jenis kulit wajah

First impression matters! Of course, the face is the first thing that others will see. That’s why it’s important to take care of the health and beauty of the skin. What is the right way to care for it? Understanding our skin type is an important first step to determine the right care routine. In this article, Serenitree will spill the beans on how to know your skin type and provide natural skincare advice accordingly.

Interesting, right? Let’s read until the end!

What are Facial Skin Types?

Facial skin type refers to the different characteristics and conditions of the skin in each individual. This includes moisture levels, oil levels, sensitivity and signs of ageing. By knowing our skin type, we can choose the right care products and treat our skin accordingly.

Why is this important for us to know?

Knowing our skin type can certainly help us understand our skin condition better. This allows us to make informed decisions in choosing care products, avoid irritation or more severe skin problems, and improve the effectiveness of our skincare regime.

Many factors can affect skin type, including: 

  • Genetics: Genetic factors can affect moisture levels, oil production, and skin sensitivity.
  • Environment: Exposure to sunlight, air pollution, and air humidity play an essential role.
  • Age: Skin can undergo changes as we age, such as decreased elasticity and reduced oil production.
  • Lifestyle: Habits such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, unhealthy diet, and lack of sleep should be avoided!

So it’s not necessarily inborn, Serenitree Squad! Skin types can change depending on the conditions around us too.

How to determine your skin type 

The steps to determine your own skin type are easy! If you are saving the cost of going to a beautician, you can really do a few ways below: 

  • Step 1: Gently Cleanse Face

Start by cleansing your face with a gentle, non-irritating cleanser. Avoid using products that contain harsh chemicals or artificial colours.

  • Step 2: Wait 1 Hour

After cleansing, let the skin rest for 1 hour without using any skincare products. This will give the skin a chance to show its condition naturally.

  • Step 3: Pay attention to the T-Zone 

Take a look at the part of the face known as the T-Zone, which is the forehead, nose and chin area. If you have oily skin in these areas, you might have an oily skin type.

  • Step 4: Pay Attention to Skin Moisture 

Check the moisture of the skin by pressing gently on the cheeks. If the skin feels dry and stiff, you probably have a dry skin type. On the other hand, if the skin feels moist but not oily, you may have a normal skin type.

  • Step 5: Pay attention to skin sensitivity

Observe whether the skin is prone to redness, itching or irritation. Skin that is prone to negative reactions to products or environmental changes is commonly referred to as sensitive skin.

So easy, right? For those who don’t know what your skin type is, you can try these 5 steps first!

Getting to Know Different Types of Facial Skin

Now that you know your skin type, the next step is to understand the characteristics of the various common skin types. Here are 5 types of facial skin:

  • Dry Skin

Dry skin tends to lack moisture and feels stiff or dry. Dry skin often looks dull and is prone to wrinkles and fine lines. Proper care for dry skin involves intensive hydration and the use of products that lock in moisture.

  • Oily Skin

Oily skin has excessive oil production, especially in the T-Zone area. This skin tends to be shiny and porous. Treatment for oily skin involves controlling excess oil, good cleansing, and using products that do not clog pores.

  • Combination Skin

Combination skin is a combination of dry and oily skin. The T-Zone area tends to be oily, while the cheek area tends to be dry. Treatment for combination skin involves balanced care to address skin concerns in both areas.

  • Normal Skin

Normal skin has a good balance between moisture and oil. It looks fresh and healthy. Care for normal skin involves maintaining a balance and a simple care routine.

  • Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is prone to redness, irritation or itching. It is prone to allergic reactions or irritation. Care for sensitive skin involves using products that are gentle, do not contain irritants, and keep the skin moisturised.

What type of skin does Serenitree Squad have? It’s important to know this because otherwise it will be difficult to get the right treatment. Instead of getting better, you’ll end up with more skin problems!

The Importance of Natural Skincare for Skin Health

Natural skincare like Serenitree used natural ingredients that do not contain harmful chemicals. Natural skincare can provide better skin health benefits, reduce the risk of irritation, and minimise negative impacts on the environment.

By involving essential oils, natural vitamin E and other natural ingredients, this type of skincare can help maintain skin moisture, fight aging, and provide nutrients needed by the skin. Plus, people with sensitive skin and children tend to be safe using natural skincare because there are minimal side effects!

Even so, we must still be careful in finding the right natural skincare products. Make sure to read labels carefully and look for products that contain natural ingredients and are free from harmful chemicals. Always do a small patch test before using the product in its entirety to ensure there are no negative reactions.

The natural ingredients we recommend include: Shea butter, Vegetable Glycerine, Tocopherol and essential oils such as licorice root or lavender oil.

Skincare Routine Tips according to Type

You know, each skin type also has its own care routine. Yes, it’s because the characteristics are different. Here are Serenitree’s tips especially for you:

  • Dry Skin Care

Avoid taking long showers or washing your face with warm water as it can dry it out even more! Also, try to use skincare without perfume and alcohol. Don’t forget to use a dense-textured moisturiser after cleansing your face!

  • Oily Skin Care

Since skin oil levels are high, you should wash your face regularly morning and night using a glycerin-based cleanser. After cleansing, choose products with active ingredients like salicylic acid and glycolic acid. One thing we should avoid is comedogenic products as they can clog pores!

  • Combination Skin Care

Avoid skincare with ingredients like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Instead, look for specialised products for combination skin. Specialised products can help reduce oil in the T-zone area while softening the cheeks.

  • Normal Skin Care

This skin type tends to be easier to find suitable treatments for. Usually general skincare can be used. The most important thing is to avoid skincare with too many chemicals, avoid rubbing your face too hard and use a soft towel.

  • Sensitive Skin Care

This one is a bit tricky because we need to know where our sensitive skin comes from first. However, it is safer to use natural, unscented and chemical-free products.

All of these routines must be topped off with twice-daily skin cleansing and daily sunscreen application. Remember, it’s useless to use skincare without an extra shield against UV rays! Finally, balance it with a healthy lifestyle because our body health and immunity also affect our skin health. You can read more information about a healthy diet in our blog!

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