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It’s not just dry skin, here are 4 other causes of scaly skin!

scaly skin

What is scaly skin? It is a condition where the outermost layer of the skin or epidermis does not undergo the normal skin cell turnover process and thus builds up and becomes “scaly”. We often associate this skin condition with dryness. While this is true, there are many other influencing factors such as medical conditions and unprotected UV exposure. Therefore, if we mishandle it, the healing process will take a long time.

Make sure to read the explanation and how to handle it until the end, Sereni-Trees!

Contact Dermatitis

This can happen due to exposure to a substance or chemical that can cause an allergic reaction or irritation to our skin. 

There are two types of contact dermatitis: allergic or irritant. Allergic contact dermatitis occurs when our immune system reacts to a substance that is an allergen to us. Symptoms include: rash, itching, swelling and blistering.

As for irritant contact dermatitis, our skin is exposed to an irritant without allergy symptoms. Examples include exposure to detergents, soaps, or harsh chemicals that can damage the skin’s protective layer. Typical symptoms include redness, scaly, itchy or cracked skin.

The causative factors vary from detergents, latex, to metals and synthetic dyes. 

Genetic Abnormalities

Not only due to external exposure, scaly skin can also occur due to hereditary skin conditions. One medical example is Ichthyosis vulgaris with symptoms of dry, scaly (resembling fish scales), rough-textured skin.

This medical condition can occur due to a genetic mutation that disrupts the production of proteins that are unable to moisturise the skin. In addition, this mutation also interferes with the normal formation of the epidermis.

Unfortunately for genetic disorders, there are not too many treatment solutions. However, we can reduce the discomfort by using moisturiser!

UV Exposure (Sunburn)

Excess UV rays at the wrong time or without protection can backfire on our skin health. These rays are not only from the sun, but also from UV lamps or other UV devices (tanning and manicure tools).

Symptoms of sunburn include: increased melanin production, burning or stinging, blistering, dry and scaly skin. If this exposure occurs intensely and continuously, it is possible that it could be a precursor to cancer in the future!

Medical Conditions 

Our body’s health is the pillar in keeping our skin healthy! One case of a medical condition that can affect the appearance of flaky skin is Hypoparathyroid. Patients from hypoparathyroid will have a deficiency in the production of parathyroid hormone (PTH). This PTH hormone is responsible for the balance of phosphate and calcium in our body.

With imbalances occurring, the effects can include muscle cramps, dry scaly skin, and mental disorders.

There are actually many more factors for the scaly texture of our skin besides the above, Sereni-Trees. Age, weather, scabies, and various medical conditions are all possibilities. So, it’s safer to consult an expert immediately so that the root cause can be diagnosed!

How To Treat Dry and Scaly Skin

Don’t worry, we can do several ways to prevent and treat scaly skin as long as we know the cause. Sereni-Trees can try some of our tips, but remember to match the symptoms and causes first:

  • Avoid bathing or soaking in hot water for too long. Just 10-15 minutes is enough and it is better to use cold / ordinary water.
  • Apply moisturiser or lotion after showering when the skin is still moist.
  • Choose a body wash that is gentle and free from harsh synthetic chemicals such as synthetic perfumes, parabens, phthalates, and SLS (Serenitree natural soap recommendation).
  • Exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cells and prevent the build-up of dead skin cells. Do it at least once every 1-2 weeks depending on your instructions and skin condition.
  • Always use sunscreen with the appropriate SPF when doing indoor or outdoor activities. If necessary, add protection with long sleeves, a hat, or sunglasses.
  • Manage stress with exercise or other hobbies. Mental and physical balance is very important! 
  • Keep your body well hydrated (at least 8 glasses of water daily).
  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol as nicotine can damage the skin and reduce the supply of nutrients that are essential for the skin.

Here are some recommendations from Serenitree that you can try! But don’t forget, if the condition doesn’t tend to improve or even gets worse, we strongly recommend consulting a doctor immediately. Better be safe than sorry!

Natural Materials Suitable for Scaly Skin

There’s always a natural alternative for every skin concern. That’s true, Sereni-Trees! Besides being effective, they also tend to be safer than chemicals. We can combat this skin condition with some natural skincare ingredients such as:

  • Coconut Oil: Contains fatty acids that can help maintain skin moisture and fight dry, flaky skin.
  • Shea Butter: Rich in vitamins A, E, and F as well as essential fatty acids and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Lavender Essential Oil: Not only does it offer a naturally relaxing scent, this natural ingredient is good for reducing stress and is antiseptic.
  • Avocado: This fruit contains healthy fats and vitamin E that can help hydrate the skin naturally and improve its elasticity.

There are many more alternative natural ingredients that we can choose to fight scaly skin! Of course, one advantage of using these ingredients is that they are safer for children, pregnant women, mothers, people with sensitive skin and even medical conditions such as eczema. 

In conclusion, we must take care of our skin regularly from an early age so that scaly skin conditions do not appear! Especially now that Sereni-Trees is available, you don’t need to bother looking for a brand with safe natural ingredients like this! Already available in the form of bar soap, liquid soap, lotion, and hand cream, we can easily find Serenitree body care on Tokopedia marketplace, Shopee, and website. Remember, treatment is harder than prevention!

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