
6 Benefits of Essential Oil for Our Skin

Lovers of natural skincare must be familiar with the content of essential oils or essential oils! This content is indeed used for several things from beauty to health. Serenitree’s body wash and body lotion products also contain this magical ingredient. We always choose natural ingredients that are functional and safe for the skin.

Why do we use essential oils? Why not something else? Well, to find out why, let’s explore the meaning and benefits of this natural ingredient first!

What is Essential Oil? Know the facts!

Essential oil itself is a natural ingredient that we can get through steam distillation from plants. Generally, this oil can be extracted from the roots, flowers to seeds of a plant that has essences/aromas. Without chemical content, it is certain that this oil is 100% natural and safe after going through the appropriate process!

But Serenitree squad knows, there was an issue that this essential oil can cause clogged skin pores, causing acne. But that’s not the case! Here are the facts about essential oils:

  • This ingredient can help treat various skin problems

Some essential oils have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help treat skin problems such as acne, redness, and premature aging. Some examples of essential oils that are beneficial for the skin include tea tree oil, lavender oil, and rosehip oil.

  • This ingredient is found in many skincare products

Essential oils can be added to various skincare products such as toners, serums, and moisturizers to enhance skincare benefits. Some cosmetic brands such as Serenitree, have product lines that specifically use essential oils as one of the main ingredients.

In several scientific studies it has also been proven that this natural oil does not clog pores! In fact, there are so many benefits that we can feel. But again, every use of products, including Serenitree products, must be patch tested on the skin before use. This is because even though the ingredients are natural, people’s skin reactions and sensitivities still vary. So, better be safe than sorry!

Positive Benefits for Skin

Essential oils can provide benefits not only for skin, but for hair, nails, and even sleep disorders. But this time Serenitree focuses more on their benefits in skincare to give you an idea of why the brand uses these natural oils!

  • Deeply cleanses the skin.

Some of these ingredients like tea tree oil and lavender oil have antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can help deep clean the skin. These oils can help remove dirt and bacteria so that we can avoid acne and other skin infections.

  • Helps reduce signs of premature aging.

The antioxidants in this oil can help protect the skin from free radicals. In addition, regularly using it can keep our skin healthy and prevent the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

  • Helps relieve acne and skin redness.

Not only that, essential oils can also relieve redness, irritation and acne on the skin. The soothing effect of these natural oils will speed up the healing process and reduce inflammation on our skin. How great is that?

  • Increases collagen production.

Some of these ingredients work to increase collagen production in the skin. Collagen itself is a protein that is important for maintaining skin elasticity and suppleness. So regular use will result in our skin staying firm and youthful! 

  • Moisturizes the skin.

With these ingredients, skincare products will be more effective in providing your skin with maximum moisture! Say goodbye to dry and chapped skin.

  • Provides aroma and therapeutic effects

Essential oils have a distinctive aroma and can provide a more pleasant skincare experience. With a natural aroma that relaxes the mind, we as users will be more relaxed and calm. Automatically, your mind will be relieved and your mood will rise!

Those are just a few examples of the benefits we can get with essential oil-based skincare, Serenitree squad! What do you think, do these ingredients live up to their famous reputation?

Essential Oil in Serenitree Skincare

It’s not without reason why our brand uses natural oil essences. That’s because Serenitree has researched and understood the positive effects for every skin problem. If you check out our Body wash and Body Lotion, you’ve already felt the effects! 

Both Serenitree cleansers are complete with essential oils such as:

  • Lemongrass oil

It is anti-inflammatory, provides a relaxing effect, shrinks skin pores and reduces oil production on the skin.

  • Grapefruit oil

Brightens the skin, reduces and resolves acne problems, gives a fresh effect to the skin, moisturizes, and reduces signs of aging.

  • Lavender oil

Solutions for dry skin and eczema problems, soothes irritation and acne, protects skin from free radicals and impurities, reduces signs of aging, reduces stress/anxiety, prevents skin infections and fades scars.

More or less, those are the natural oils contained in Serenitree’s Body Wash and Body Lotion! Interesting, isn’t it?

In the future, Serenitree skincare and cosmetic products that will be launched will certainly have more variants and types of essential oils according to their functions. Not bad, useful and safe!

Why Skincare with Essential Oil?

Aside from its abundant benefits, there are many reasons why Serenitree squad should try switching to skincare essential oils! First and foremost, of course, is their safety for our health as well as the biota and habitat around us. Derived from plants, these natural oils do not have a negative impact on users (provided an allergy test is conducted before use). 

They are often an alternative to synthetic chemicals. From its various functions, of course essential oils can be a substitute for chemicals with the same benefits. So we can achieve our skin goals without any hassle! 

Plus point is when you use essential oils that are already in the product, there is no need to bother mixing it yourself. Carelessly mixing this pure content in the product can actually cause negative effects! Due to the high concentration, self-mixing can result in acne, allergies, and so on.

Therefore, it’s best to use skincare that already contains this ingredient. Even if you want to mix it up, make sure to research and look for recipes from professionals. Not sure where to look? Calm down! Serenitree also often holds natural skincare making workshops. Stay tuned on our social media so you don’t miss it!

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