
Are warts a dangerous skin condition?

Warts are a common skin problem that can affect anyone. They can cause discomfort, both physically and aesthetically. This condition can appear on various parts of the body and has various types and requires different treatments. In this article, we will discuss more about what warts are, their causes, how to prevent them, as well as effective methods to treat warts safely and naturally. Stay tuned!

Get to know the condition of warts, causes, and symptoms!

Warts are skin growths that occur due to the human papillomavirus (HPV) virus. Although warts are usually NOT dangerous, they can be very annoying and sometimes painful. Especially if they appear in areas that are often exposed to friction or pressure such as the soles of the feet or hands.

This condition is caused by HPV infection that enters the skin through small cuts or scratches. Now, this virus causes skin cells to grow faster than normal, creating a hard layer of skin, the wart. There are roughly more than 100 types of HPV, but only a few cause warts.

Common signs and symptoms of warts may include:

  • Small bumps that can be hard, rough, and mottled
  • Flesh-colored lumps with small black spots of clotted blood vessels
  • Ability to spread to other areas through direct contact

Even if it’s harmless, it’s best to see a doctor immediately and make sure that the skin growth is a wart and not another dangerous skin condition!

5 Types of Warts

Warts come in many different types, but the most common are 5 types that are often seen in ordinary people. Here are some examples that Sereni-Trees should learn about: 

  1. Common Warts (Verruca Vulgaris)

Common warts usually grow on the back of the fingers, toes, or on the knees, although they can also appear on other parts of the body. These warts have a rough, thick and grainy surface, with a rounded shape at the top. They tend to be more gray in color compared to the surrounding skin. They vary in size, ranging from 1 millimeter (mm) to 1 centimeter (cm) or larger, and can appear alone or in clusters. 

Signs and symptoms:

  • Small hard, rough, grainy bumps
  • Flesh-colored with small black spots (blocked blood vessels)
  • Can spread to other areas through direct contact
  1. Plantar Warts

Plantar warts grow on the soles of the feet and differ from other warts in that they grow inward rather than outward from the skin. This condition often makes walking uncomfortable. To be precise, there are two main types of plantar warts namely:

  • Myrmecia-type plantar warts:

The virus that causes this is HPV type 1. This condition can cause pain when walking and can harden with small black dots.

  • Mosaic-type plantar warts:

The causative virus is HPV type 2. They are usually flatter and appear in clusters. This condition does not cause much pain.

  1. Flat Warts

Flat warts often appear on the face, thighs, or arms. They are small with a flat surface, as if scratched. These warts are more common in children and can appear in large numbers, even up to 200! That’s a lot! The color itself varies, it can be flesh-colored, pink, brown, or slightly yellowish.

Signs and symptoms:

  • Small in size with a round or oval shape
  • No pain
  • Often appears on areas of skin that are injured or scratched
  1. Filiform Warts

Filiform warts grow around the mouth, nose, or neck, and sometimes under the chin. They are small and shaped like a thin, long skin flap or tag. They grow quickly and are the same color as the surrounding skin. They are also usually painless unless they appear in sensitive areas.

Signs and symptoms:

  • Small growths protruding from the skin
  • Same color as the skin
  • Fast growing
  1. Periungual Warts

These warts grow under and around the nails of the hands or feet. They can affect nail growth as well as cause pain. These warts are usually small, but can grow larger and spread through direct contact. The surface is also rough and has a cauliflower-like appearance.

Signs and symptoms:

  • Rough growth around or under the nail
  • Causes pain as it grows in size
  • May affect the appearance of nails and cuticles

Those are the 5 most common types of warts. Most of them are harmless. But you should still recognize the type so that you can take the best treatment!

How to Treat Medically

Treating warts medically can be done with several effective methods. One of these is treatment using salicylates, which are chemicals often found in wart removal products. Salicylates work by gradually dissolving the wart layer, but this process usually takes several months for the wart to completely disappear.

Additionally, there is cryotherapy, which is a common medical method for treating warts. In this procedure, the wart is frozen using liquid nitrogen, which causes the wart to die and detach itself. This therapy often requires several repetitions to achieve maximum results.

If these methods do not work, laser or surgical removal of the wart may be a last resort. In this method, the wart is physically removed through surgery or destroyed using a laser. While effective, this procedure carries the risk of leaving scars in the surrounding area. So, make sure to choose the method that is suitable and best for your condition!

Can Natural Ingredients Help with Healing?

Although it won’t be as effective as medical treatment, there are also some natural ways to help the wart healing process. For that, we can look at some of the following natural ingredients:

  • Apple Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has acidic properties that can help dissolve the wart. Simply soak a cotton swab in apple vinegar and apply it to the wart, then cover with a bandage overnight. 

  • Coconut Oil

These natural ingredients have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help maintain healthy skin and prevent infections. A must-try!

  • Shea Butter

Shea butter is a natural moisturizer that can keep skin soft and healthy, and prevent cracks that can be an entry point for viruses. Product recommendation: Serenitree body lotion.

In addition to using skincare products or natural ingredients, it is important that we prevent wart conditions by avoiding direct contact with other people’s warts or objects that may be contaminated. Always keep the skin moisturized and avoid nail biting or cuticle pulling which can open the way for the virus. Keep safety top of mind and consult a doctor as soon as symptoms begin, Sereni-Trees!

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