
What is the Impact of Air Pollution on Skin Health?

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Sereni-Trees must have heard a lot about the news of air pollution lately. The high level of pollution has certainly created a sense of concern in our community. Especially the negative impact on lung health! As it turns out, air pollution not only affects the respiratory system, but also has a significant impact on skin health. Therefore, today we will discuss in depth the impact of air pollution on the skin!

Instead of having problems or worsening skin conditions, it is better to take preventive measures. Stay tuned and check out this handy guide to maintaining healthy skin amidst high air pollution conditions!

Sources of Air Pollution

Various sources of air pollution can have a significant impact on our skin health! Such pollution often comes from outside our homes, such as motor vehicle fumes, factory emissions, and the burning of waste. Even in certain seasons, such as the dry season, many areas are prone to forest and land fires so the level of air pollution becomes very high.

Exposure to harmful substances such as carbon monoxide, benzene, hydrogen chloride, ozone, and heavy metals such as lead and mercury can damage the structure and overall health of the skin. Carbon monoxide, for example, can inhibit the supply of oxygen to skin cells, resulting in dull-looking skin that lacks vitality. In addition, chemical emissions from air pollution can also disrupt the balance of natural microorganisms on the skin, increasing the risk of infections and other problems. Scary isn’t it?

However, it’s not just air pollution from outside the home that contributes to skin health problems. Sometimes unconsciously, areas or objects that we rarely clean at home also give rise to microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. Therefore, we must still be aware of the dangers of pollution, especially air pollution, both from outside and inside our own homes! Better safe than sorry!

Impact of Air Pollution on Skin Health

The problem of air pollution is serious because all aspects of our health can be compromised by pollutant particles such as fine dust and nitrogen dioxide. Some of the health problems that can occur include: Asthma, bronchitis, heart disease, high blood pressure, and even lung cancer risk! Besides that, air pollution can also affect the immune system and worsen existing health conditions. 

Moreover, skin conditions can also be aggravated by air pollution, for example:

  • Skin Dehydration

Air pollution contains substances that can draw moisture from the skin quickly. As a result, the skin becomes dry and loses its elasticity. Skin dehydration can also increase the risk of skin cell damage and premature aging. 

  • Skin Microbiome Disorders

The skin microbiome consists of different types of microorganisms that live naturally on the skin. Air pollution can disrupt the balance of this microbiome. When the balance is disturbed, the risk of infections and other skin problems increases. 

Fine particles and harmful substances in air pollution can penetrate the skin’s protective layer. This can cause irritation, inflammation, and even trigger allergic reactions. 

  • Early Aging

Continuous exposure to air pollution can accelerate the skin’s aging process, causing fine lines and wrinkles to appear earlier.

  • Skin Cancer Risk

Some chemicals in air pollution, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), may increase the risk of developing skin cancer. Long-term exposure to these pollutants can cause damage to skin cells and genetic mutations that can potentially lead to skin cancer.

  • Exacerbate Existing Skin Problems

Individuals who already have skin problems such as acne, contact dermatitis, eczema, or psoriasis may experience worsening conditions due to air pollution. 

Isn’t the negative impact on our skin quite serious? Those with sensitive skin or children can certainly be more vulnerable to this air pollution. Therefore, we should take preventive or solutive measures to minimize the effects of air pollution. What can we do?

How to maintain healthy skin in a polluted environment

Prevention is always better than cure! Therefore, Serenitree would like to share some tips to keep your skin healthy, especially if you live in a highly polluted area!

First, we can choose a body care that is gentle and safe on the skin. Choose gentle soap products that do not contain aggressive chemicals that can cause dry skin. Clean skin = healthy skin!

After cleansing your skin, continue to use lotion regularly. Apply lotion or skin moisturizer at least twice a day to maintain moisture and protect the skin barrier from the adverse effects of air pollution. (Product recommendation: Serenitree natural Body Wash & Body Lotion).

Don’t forget to use skincare products with antioxidant content. Choose skincare products that contain antioxidants such as vitamins C, E, and B3 (niacinamide). Antioxidants help us fight free radicals and reduce the negative effects of pollution on our skin!

Is that all there is to it? Of course not! Apart from using body care and skincare, we can protect our skin with protective gear such as hats, headscarves, or masks. Especially if you are often outdoors, wear a hat or headscarf to protect your face from direct exposure to air pollution. Besides protecting your breathing, wearing a mask also helps protect your skin from air pollution particles.

These are some of the tricks we can do to keep our skin healthy even when we’re outdoors a lot! With good preparation, we can still be active without worry!

Balance with Inner Body Health

Keeping your skin healthy from the effects of air pollution isn’t just about external care! It’s also important to pay attention to your body’s health from within. Proper nutrition, adequate hydration, and a healthy lifestyle can provide a strong foundation for skin resistant to the adverse effects of air pollution. Meeting the body’s need for vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants through a balanced diet is an important step. In addition, minimizing the consumption of harmful substances such as cigarettes and alcohol also supports overall skin health. By maintaining this balance, we can maximize our efforts to protect and care for our skin.

From this, we can conclude that taking care of your skin in a polluted environment is an important step towards maintaining long-term skin health. By following some of Serenitree’s tips, we are one step closer to a healthy body and skin! 

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