
Taking Care of Your Skin to Avoid Calluses on Feet!

calluses on feet

Not only the face, the skin on the feet must always be kept healthy Serenitree Squad! It’s not right to only have a glowing and smooth face without taking care of other parts of your body. Maybe it’s due to its location, but the foot area is often overlooked! As a result, in addition to cracking, calluses can also occur on the feet! 

Calluses are a common skin condition that is characterized by hard and thick skin growths that often appear on the feet, especially the heels and soles. Although harmless, calluses on the feet can cause discomfort and even pain if we don’t treat them properly. For this reason, it’s good to understand the causes of calluses first!

What Are Calluses On Feet and What Causes Them?

As briefly explained earlier, calluses on the feet are characterized by the growth of hard skin. The skin in this area hardens to protect itself from excess pressure. Calluses can be yellow or brown in color and often have clear borders. How can this happen? There are actually several things that can be a factor!

  • Excessive Foot Pressure

One of the main causes of calluses is excessive pressure on the skin of the feet. This pressure can occur due to a variety of factors, such as not wearing the right size shoes, doing activities barefoot, standing or walking for long periods of time, or even the habit of stomping your feet vigorously during activities. This excessive pressure makes the skin form a hard layer as a form of protection.

  • Repeated Friction 

Repeated friction between the skin of the feet can occur due to inappropriate or too rough footwear. Wearing ill-fitting shoes or walking barefoot can cause the skin of the feet to become irritated, which then stimulates the growth of thicker skin cells.

  • Habit of wearing certain shoes

Overuse of shoes that do not provide enough support for the feet, such as heels, can also lead to calluses. In addition, shoes with thin soles or not enough cushioning are a big risk as well!

  • Age Factor

As we age, our skin tends to undergo changes, including a decrease in elasticity and moisture. Besides that, hormonal changes that occur at certain ages can affect the condition of the skin and cause a buildup of dead skin cells.

Now we can see that there are many factors that could be the main factors! Therefore, we still have to be diligent in taking care of our skin health so that we can move and be active comfortably. One important thing, always remember to clean your feet regularly to avoid germs!

Treating Calluses On Feet

Take it easy Serenitree Squad! As scary as it sounds, calluses on the feet can be treated with the right treatment. Some of the methods are natural and medical depending on the severity. Here are the steps that we can follow:

  • Foot Soak in Warm Water

By soaking your feet in warm water, calluses can soften and the pain can be reduced. You can add some sea salt or essential oils to the warm water for even better results! Soak for about 15-20 minutes, then gently scrub the calluses with a pumice stone or an exfoliator.

  • Using Foot Moisturizer

Lotion or moisturizer is also useful for calluses! After showering, we simply apply lotion and let it be absorbed. Moisturized skin will certainly avoid chapping and the risk of calluses! Try to use lotions with natural ingredients such as: Sweet Almond Oil which serves to protect the skin from free radicals and soften. Serenitree’s Hydrating & Calming lotion can be the right choice for this case!

  • Use of Specialty Products for Calluses

If the degree of calluses on the feet is severe, you can choose a cream or ointment that contains salicylic acid ingredients specifically for calluses. The way these special creams work is by sloughing off the dead skin layer so that the calluses become thinner. You can also opt for a special plaster alternative that softens the skin, removes dead skin and speeds up the healing process.

  • Medical Treatment for Severe Calluses

If the condition does not improve, you should consult your doctor or dermatologist immediately. The doctor can provide medical treatment, such as curettage, where the hard skin layer is removed with special tools. This procedure requires a sterile and safe environment to avoid infection. 

In essence, never be afraid to take medical action if it is necessary, guys! Improper handling will actually slow down or even worsen the condition.

Can We Prevent Calluses On Our Feet?

Just like all skin diseases, calluses can of course be avoided in easy ways. It is very important for us to be aware of the causes so that risks do not occur. The earliest easy step is to choose the right shoes! Every day we do activities both heavy or light, of course, using shoes. Try to choose shoes with the right size and fit. Also make sure to use footwear according to the activity, for example sports shoes for jogging or fitness activities.

In addition, we must always keep our feet clean just like any other area of the body! Routinely clean your feet with a gentle soap and end your skincare routine with a moisturizer to keep your skin elastic and soft. You’ll surely be happy to be able to wear beautiful shoes without fear of dry heels or calluses!

Not only moisturizers or lotions, we can prevent calluses on the feet by exfoliating diligently! This process can get rid of dead skin cells that can form calluses! At least exfoliate once a week for optimal results, remember not to overdo it because the skin can become sensitive!

Finally, we can regularly do foot massages. Massages can improve blood circulation and provide relaxation to tense leg muscles. So in addition to prevention, we can do this as a form of relaxation as well!

How was it? It turns out that the prevention method is very simple, right? Calluses themselves can occur to anyone and not only the feet, but other areas such as the hands. However, actually the causative factor is the same, namely excessive pressure and friction, another factor is the health condition of each person. To avoid it, always take care of your skin health as best as possible and consult with an expert!

Stay healthy and safe always!

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