
10 Skincare Myths, Don’t Fall for the “HOAX”!

We can’t deny that the amount of information spread across various social media platforms has made people more concerned and interested in taking care of skin health. However, amidst the fast-growing skincare trend, there are often myths that accompany the information about skincare products. These myths can be confusing and make people doubt the truth behind the rumors. Sometimes information can be useful or harmful to our health!

Therefore, it is important for us to dig deeper, distinguishing between myths and facts. This way, we can make smarter and more informed decisions when it comes to taking care of our skin. Be a wise skincare user!

The more expensive the product, the better the quality

High prices are not necessarily a benchmark for quality. Some expensive products may have the same ingredients as more affordable products.

Often the price of a product is related to the use of exclusive ingredients, claims of high effectiveness or the “branding” of the product. However, the quality of a product is not always proportional to its price. Sometimes, products with similar ingredients or the same quality can also be found at a more affordable price. For example, local products or natural alternatives!

Oily Skin Doesn’t Need Moisturizer

Oily skin also needs moisture. Neglecting to moisturize can actually cause the skin to produce more oil in an effort to hydrate the skin.

As a tip, you can choose a light-textured moisturizer or one that contains non-comedogenic ingredients. This type of moisturizer can hydrate your skin without clogging your pores or increasing oil production.

All Natural Ingredients Safe for All Skin Types

Natural ingredients are less likely to cause negative side effects. However, that doesn’t mean that every individual will be compatible with every natural skincare! Some people may experience allergic reactions or irritation to certain natural ingredients.

Despite the amazing benefits for the skin, such as aloe vera or coconut oil, it is still possible that some people can have an allergic reaction or irritation to these ingredients. Therefore, it’s important to do a patch test or consult a dermatologist if you have any doubts regarding natural ingredients in skincare products. This applies to Serenitree products too!

Acne Only Appears in Teenagers

Acne doesn’t just happen to teenagers. Adults can too!

Many factors can trigger acne in adults, including stress, poor sleep patterns, hormonal changes due to pregnancy or menstrual cycles, and the use of unsuitable skincare products.

Skincare should be used every day

Not all skincare products should be used every day. 

Skin has different needs. Some skincare products, such as exfoliants or masks, don’t need to be used every day! In fact, overuse can disrupt the balance, protective function, and irritate the skin. So, always pay attention to the usage instructions on the product and adjust it to your needs and skin condition.

Washing Your Face More Helps Treat Acne

Washing your face is a part of maintaining good hygiene. But too much can dry out the skin and trigger excess oil production.

Over-washing your face can strip your skin of the natural oils that your skin needs to maintain moisture and health. This can trigger oil production leading to clogged pores and worsened acne!

SPF is Only Needed in Sunny Weather

UV rays are present even when the weather is cloudy or rainy. We need SPF every day to protect our skin from sun damage.

UV exposure doesn’t only occur during sunny weather. The rays can penetrate through clouds and cause damage to the skin. Using SPF every day, even when it’s cloudy or raining, whether indoors or outdoors, is essential to protect your skin from UV damage. Otherwise, expect premature aging or even the risk of skin cancer!

Retinol is Only for Middle-aged People

Retinol is not only suitable for middle-aged people! Then what age is ideal?

While retinol does address the signs of aging, its use can benefit a wide range of age groups, especially those in their 20s. Additionally, many young people also use retinol to control acne, improve skin texture, and stimulate skin cell regeneration. But we must remember that the use of retinol must also be appropriate, not too often as it will cause irritation.

The More Skincare Products, the Better for Skin

Perhaps using more than one product to address skin concerns is a good thing.

That being said, too many skincare products with different active ingredients can increase the risk of skin irritation. Especially if we use from several brands. It’s better to just focus on the products that suit your skin’s needs. Try not to use too many products at the same time.

Makeup is the Main Cause of Acne

Using makeup is not the main factor causing acne.

The truth is, acne is not caused by the makeup itself, but rather the lack of properly removing makeup. Not cleansing makeup thoroughly can cause a buildup of dirt, oil, and dead skin cells that trigger acne. It’s important to double cleanse!

Skin gets better without sun exposure

It’s true, overexposure to UV rays, especially without protection, can be very harmful to the skin.

The skin still needs sun exposure as sunlight helps in the formation of vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D is essential for overall skin and body health. Try to sunbathe for about 15-20 minutes around 10 am or 4 pm.

Those are the 10 most common myths in the skincare world! Sereni-Trees, do you believe in any of them? It’s important that we stay “educated” so that we don’t follow risky habits. This can be detrimental, especially for people who are new to skincare trends! So, let’s share these tips with your bestie and stay healthy together!

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