
Tips to Apply Wudu Friendly Skincare & Makeup!

muslim woman performing wudu

Sereni-Trees, the use of skincare and makeup is important for all people regardless of race or religion. Skincare is considered as the foundation to build healthy skin and body. However, there are some taboos or recommendations in use according to each belief. For example, in the Muslim religion, there are some special methods and taboos that we need to adhere to. Generally, we know it as Wudu (ablution) friendly. Want to know more tips? Keep reading until the end!

Skincare & Makeup Usage for Muslims

Keeping our skin clean, tidy and healthy is an obligation for us! This also includes our hair, beard and even moustache area. This is because cleanliness is related to purity and faith. The use of makeup is still allowed, as long as you don’t overdo it, Sereni-Trees!

That being said, we still have to pay attention to the use of skincare products. Here are the things we should pay attention to in product selection:

  • The ingredients in skincare are medically safe and have BPOM certification (Has usage rules & has been tested)
  • Products that do not provide permanent changes
  • Does not contain haram ingredients (Example: alcohol or animal ingredients such as pork)
  • Reasonable use / not excessive
  • Use skincare as recommended/instructed by a dermatologist.

These are some of the outlines that we should follow in our skincare routine as Muslims. To be on the safe side, we can choose products with halal logos or Wudu friendly products such as Serenitree bodycare, the ingredients come from natural ingredients, free from harsh chemicals! 

What is Wudu (ablution) friendly skincare?

Before performing a prayer, it is necessary to perform ablution first. Wudu itself is the process of cleaning certain parts of the body with water before performing prayer in Islam. This process is a valid requirement for prayer and certain other acts of worship.

In the process of performing ablution, we must wash our hands, rinse our mouth, clean our nose, wash our face, hands up to the elbows, wipe our head, ears, then we end by washing our feet. The aim is to remove any dirt or obstructions on the skin so that the water can touch the skin directly.

With that explanation, on to the concept of Wudu friendly skincare/makeup. Wudu friendly product category means that the product does NOT prevent the Wudu water from penetrating the skin. Generally, non-Wudu friendly skincare/makeup products includes:

  • Lipstick/lipcream: These makeup products are categorized as water barriers to penetrate the pores. Moreover, products that can stay on the lips for a long duration!
  • Nail polish: Including products that we should not use before Wudu because if we wash, it does not disappear immediately. It automatically becomes one of the obstacles too. But no worries, nowadays there are several brands that produce halal nail polish products. Make sure to do your research before buying!
  • Waterproof products: All waterproof skincare/makeup products must be cleaned because of their waterproof nature.

So, what are criterias of Wudu friendly products like? Relax, now there are so many innovations in beauty products that can make it easier for us! The characteristics will usually be light-textured, non-waterproof, fast-absorbing, and non-comedogenic. This category of beauty products are more prone to smudging and have lightweight formulations. There are no special ingredients that make the product stick, especially when exposed to water/sweat. Examples include: Powder textured makeup, eyebrow pencils, eyeliner, and non-waterproof eyeshadow. In addition, water-based options are also available.

If you still want to use makeup or waterproof products, it’s still okay. But pay attention before doing Wudu, you must clean it first!

Is it okay to reapply makeup/skincare after Wudu?

Re-application of makeup, especially skincare, after ablution is not only allowed, but encouraged! It’s very important for the health of our skin. The re-application process keeps our skin protected from free radical exposure and moisturized. Serenitree will spill the beans on how to reapply our makeup after ablution:

  • Cleansing the skin

An important first step is to cleanse your skin before using beauty products. 

  • Use of facial mist

Especially in our country that is experiencing summer, facial mist can be one of the options to restore skin moisture quickly and effectively. In addition, it usually has a light texture and is easily absorbed.

  • Continue with moisturizer

Facial mist alone is not enough to keep your skin moisturized throughout the day! Hence, we recommend reapplying a light-textured moisturizer (Heavy-textured moisturizers should be used at night to avoid stickiness).

  • Reapply sunscreen

Last but not least, sunscreen must be re-applied! It will be a shield for UV rays that are harmful to our skin.

  • Cover with makeup (optional)

After all the skincare steps are complete, then it’s time to apply makeup. It’s good to apply it lightly, but it all depends on your activity needs. 

More or less above are the steps you can follow after the ablution process. No need to reapply all products! Skincare products such as toner, essence, or serum can be absorbed directly into the skin. In conclusion, you can adjust these steps again with your daily needs!

Is Natural Skincare Wudu Friendly?

Natural skincare is on the rise, mainly because of its multiple benefits. Usually, this category of products contains natural ingredients, minimal chemicals, environmentally friendly, and safe for those with sensitive skin. But, is natural skincare definitely Wudu friendly? The answer is a resounding NO! Just because a skincare product is labeled natural, it doesn’t mean that we can use it for Wudu

The reason is because it may contain some ingredients that can be water-blocking or non-halal processes/contents. 
Therefore, we recommend that Sereni-Trees always check the ingredient label and consult an expert. It is even better if the skincare product has a halal label and is BPOM certified. For those of you who are confused about choosing halal and safe skincare, you can really check Serenitree bodycare! All products including hand cream, body lotion, body wash, and bar soap are made from natural ingredients and are HALAL. Come on, check it out!

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