
Which is better, liquid or bar soap?

liquid and bar soap

As technology develops, there are more and more innovations in skincare products, especially in terms of composition and form. A simple example is cosmetic blush, which comes in powder or cream form. The same goes for body wash! We can choose to do our bathing rituals with liquid or bar soap. However, do these different types have certain differences and impacts? If so, which one is better for our skin health?

Advantages & Disadvantages of Liquid Soap

In order to more clearly know the difference, let’s explore the plus and minus points between the two types of soap. Firstly, liquid soap has quite a lot of advantages, including:

  • Practical and easy use

With a pump or bottle-shaped container, the application process tends to be easier and faster. With just one squeeze, you can cleanse your skin immediately. 

  • Variety of aroma

If you prefer a soap scent with a lot of variety, then liquid soap is a good choice. More flexible formulations, modern technology, and easier storage allow manufacturers to create more complex scent formulations.

  • High level of hygiene

Containers of liquid soap can prevent contamination from dirty bathroom areas. It also reduces the risk of product contamination, especially if used by more than one person.

  • More moisturiser

The lower pH content than bar soaps as well as additional formulations, make liquid soaps suitable for hydrating & locking in moisture.

  • Easy to carry for travelling

The liquid soap bottle packaging makes it easy to carry the product around, especially the travel size packaging which is generally complete with a pump lock and spill-proof. Product recommendation: Serenitree Body Wash Travel Size.

It turns out that there are quite a lot of plus points of liquid soap! However, there are some things that we must consider. Let’s look at some of the downsides!

  • Runs out faster

The use of liquid soap usually runs out faster than bar soap. This could be because it’s harder to adjust the dosage.

  • Less sustainable

Liquid soap containers, especially plastic and non-recyclable ones, can generate more plastic waste. Not to mention the production process (especially non-eco-friendly ones) has the potential to leave a carbon footprint/harmful waste for the ecosystem.

  • Foam liquid soap is less effective in cleaning

One type of liquid soap, foam, is less effective in getting rid of viruses, bacteria or dirt. This is because the product releases foam immediately, unlike traditional liquid soap which requires us to rub the product repeatedly to get foam.

How, from this explanation, do Sereni-Trees feel more suitable to use liquid soap?

Advantages & Disadvantages of Bar Soap

Now we will move on to the important points of bar soap. What is it about it that sets it apart from liquid soap?

  • More effective at removing dirt & bacteria

The way to use bar soap is by rubbing the skin. The rubbing motion and the solid consistency of the soap is the reason why it can be effective in removing dirt.

  • Tends to be economical & durable

Unlike liquid soap, bar soap does not run out easily because its use is more controlled. But with a note that we must keep the soap bar dry after use. If not, apart from being unpleasant for us to look at, wet soap bars become easily crushed and run out.

  • More sustainable

Generally, the use of bar soap containers is less than liquid soap. Simply capitalising on paper or cardboard is enough (less plastic). The shape is also easier to recycle.

Interesting enough, what are the advantages of bar soap? Let’s continue to look at the disadvantages!

  • The level of hygiene is not as good as liquid soap

There is direct contact between the skin and soap, this can certainly contaminate the product, especially if used by more than one person. How to get around this can be by limiting the use of soap bars to one person, one soap only!

  • Higher pH levels, risk of dry skin

Although not all, most bar soaps have a high pH level. As a result, the skin risks getting dry and itchy. The solution can be to choose a soap with a neutral pH!

  • Packaging is not travel friendly

Of course, the shape and container of the soap bar makes it less suitable as a travel friendly skincare. But, nowadays there are also shops that provide special containers to carry soap bars safely!

In conclusion, which is better, liquid or bar soap?

How to choose the right type of soap!

Although there are differences between the advantages and disadvantages, both types of body wash are still great for cleaning and caring for our skin! If we want to choose the right type of soap, we need to pay attention to several things such as:

  • Skin conditions (Allergies & sensitivities)

Of course, we must know what our skin type is and what problems our skin is experiencing. In general, for allergic, dry, acne, rosacea, psoriasis, or sensitive skin, Serenitree recommends liquid soap because it contains more moisturiser & low pH level. 

For oily skin, we can alternate bar soaps to control oil production. Just make sure to choose a bar soap with a neutral pH!

  • Personal preference

Which texture do you prefer? Is it streamlined, more diverse scents, and portability? We can choose liquid soap for that. Whereas if we prefer a solid consistency and longevity, we can choose bar soap. It all depends on preference!

  • Content & environmental aspects

Both of these actually depend on the skincare brand of your choice! There are now eco-friendly liquid and solid body washes made from natural ingredients and environmentally safe production processes. 

Therefore, we can conclude that the form of body wash is actually equally effective when it suits our skin condition. Keep in mind that we still need to know our skin condition well, consult our needs first. Don’t forget to always read the content label for both types of soap, avoiding harsh chemicals such as Triclosan, SLS, Parabens, Phthalates, and others! Remember, skin health is the number one priority!

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