
Is your skin barrier damaged? Identify the 7 Characteristics!

Did you know? Our skin has a protective layer that is very important to protect the skin from all pollution and free radicals. We call this layer the skin barrier. This layer is the key to glowing and healthy skin. Unfortunately, there are some things that can damage the skin barrier. But don’t worry! In this article, we will discuss what the skin barrier is, the causes of its damage, the characteristics of a damaged skin barrier, and solutions to repair it. Can we repair the damaged layer? Stay tuned to find out!

Why do we need to maintain our skin barrier?

The outermost protective layer of our skin is the skin barrier (acid mantle) which is made up of skin cells and lipids. In scientific language, this layer consists of keratinocytes, melanocytes, and langerhans cells. Usually if the keratinocytes are having problems, it will affect our skin barrier. 

So, what makes this layer so important for skin health? This is because the skin barrier has various functions such as protecting the skin from UV rays, harsh chemicals, pollution, bacteria, and infections. Plus, a healthy skin barrier will maintain moisture and hydration in our skin. Automatically, we can avoid the problem of transepidermal water loss or evaporation of water from the skin.

You can see how important our skin barrier is! Imagine if there’s a problem, the functions of that layer won’t work properly. As a result, the skin will become dry and various other skin problems will appear!

Recognize 7 Characteristics of a Damaged Skin Barrier

To be able to overcome and prevent it, it’s good to understand what are the characteristics that will appear when our skin barrier is damaged. Generally, they will appear:

  • Continued redness
  • Feels itchy
  • Coarse textured
  • Dry and dehydrated
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Easily irritated or inflamed
  • Slow wound healing

If your skin already has these characteristics, there are many possible causes! For example, redness on the skin could be due to excessive exfoliation or skincare ingredients such as retinol and vitamin C. Skin conditions such as itching and infection can be due to a weakened skin barrier that allows bacteria to easily enter. While symptoms of hyperpigmentation (darkening of skin color) can occur because there has been damage to the top protective layer so that UV rays can penetrate.

There are so many possibilities! Each symptom does not always have the same cause, especially for people with sensitive skin or medical history such as eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea. Therefore, it’s best to know the cause immediately by consulting an expert, Sereni-Trees!

9 Factors Causing Skin Barrier Weakening & Damage

There are so many factors that can cause damage to our skin barrier, both internal and external. But prevention is better than cure! That’s why Serenitree will spill the most common causes that we can avoid as soon as possible:

  • Overly Humid or Dry Environment

Skin needs a balance of moisture to stay healthy. An environment that is too humid can cause the skin to become susceptible to fungal infections. Conversely, an environment that is too dry can cause the skin to lose its moisture and become dry, scaly and itchy.

  • Allergens, Irritants, and Pollutants

These substances can trigger allergic reactions or irritation on the skin. Allergens like pollen or animal dander can cause rashes and itching. Irritants like detergents or industrial chemicals can damage the skin’s protective layer, while air pollutants can clog pores and accelerate skin aging.

  • Exposure to Too Much Sunlight

Excessive UV exposure can damage skin cells, cause burns, premature aging, and increase the risk of skin cancer. Sunlight can also worsen skin conditions such as melasma and rosacea.

  • Alkaline Detergents and Soaps

Products that are too alkaline can disrupt the skin’s natural acidic pH balance. This can cause dryness, irritation, and reduce the skin’s ability to fight bacteria and pathogens.

  • Exposure to Harsh Chemicals

Chemicals such as household cleaners, pesticides, or industrial solvents can damage the skin’s protective layer, causing contact dermatitis, irritation, and even chemical burns.

  • Over-Exfoliation or Washing Too Often

Over-exfoliation and frequent “cleansing” can strip the skin of its protective barrier and natural oils that are essential for maintaining moisture. 

  • Steroids

Long-term use of steroid creams or ointments can thin the skin, cause stretch marks, skin discoloration, and increase the risk of skin infections. Therefore, pay attention to each skincare ingredient and consult first!

  • Psychological Stress

Stress is the source of all illness. Excess mental stress can have adverse effects on skin conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis. Stress hormones like cortisol can increase oil production in the skin. As a result, acne and inflammation will be more common!

  • Genetic Factors

Some skin conditions, such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, have a strong genetic component. People with a family history of these conditions are more likely to develop them. Our genetics can also influence how our skin reacts to environmental factors and treatments.

Wow, that’s quite a lot! Now that you know this, will you be more diligent in maintaining healthy skin from the outside and inside? Remember Sereni-Trees, everything must be balanced. So, we have to take care of our skin from the outside (use of skincare, self-protection) as well as the inside (balanced diet, reducing stress).

Do this for a healthy and strong skin barrier!

Relax, Sereni-Trees! Every skin problem has a solution. Serenitree will give you some tips that you can try to protect and restore your skin barrier! The first step is to simplify our skincare routine. More products don’t necessarily mean better. It’s best to consult a professional about which products are essential and effective!

Second tip, pay attention to how you exfoliate according to your skin type. Sensitive skin and dark skin tones are generally better suited to mild chemical exfoliation. Some exfoliating products can also damage the skin barrier, so be careful before using!

The pH level of our skin also affects the health of the skin barrier! The delicate acid mantle of skin is around pH 4.7. However, the pH of some skincare products can range from 3.7 to 8.2. We recommend products with a pH between 4.0 and 5.0 to be on the safe side. Psst, pH balanced skin can protect us from skin conditions such as dermatitis, ichthyosis, acne, and Candida albicans infection!

Last but not least, we can try to choose bodycare and skincare products that contain glycerin or other natural ingredients. Not just anything, choose natural ingredients that attract water and bind it into the skin’s protective layer. For example, Vegetable Glycerin. In addition to moisturizing, this natural ingredient also functions to relieve inflammation/irritation, prevent infection, increase skin elasticity, and accelerate wound healing (Recommendation for products made from vegetable glycerin: Serenitree bodycare).

It’s so easy, isn’t it? The important point is, don’t forget to do these treatments and habits regularly! Hope this article helps!

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