Tips and Trick

How to Solve Keloid Problems?

Sereni-Trees, have you ever been injured and had a prominent mark appear on your skin? That could be called keloid! The appearance can sometimes make us insecure. But from a medical point of view, is there a risk of danger? In this article we will discuss what causes keloids and how to overcome this problem. Also complete with all the recommendations for natural ingredients that can help remove keloid scars. Interesting, right? Stay tuned!

Keloids and Symptoms

What exactly is a keloid? Keloids are wounds that form to protect injured skin. Examples include burns or acne scars. Aside from providing protection, keloids also serve to repair the injury. However, there are some cases where this growing tissue forms a smooth and hard growth (keloid). Keep in mind that this tissue growth is rarely immediate but may take weeks or months to grow!

The size of the keloid can be much larger than the original wound! The most common areas that can be affected are the chest, shoulders, earlobes, and cheeks. But it is possible that this problem can affect any part of the body.

To know whether Sereni-Trees has keloids or not, let’s learn the symptoms:

  • Flesh-colored, pink, or red lumps
  • The lump does not go away on its own
  • The lump continues to grow larger over time
  • Sizes and shapes can be different and vary
  • Sometimes causes itching and pain

Although the symptoms sound scary, keloids are usually NOT DANGEROUS to our health! Perhaps some of the negative effects of this problem include discomfort or cosmetic concerns. In addition, these tissues can be irritated due to friction from clothing or otherwise!

What Causes Keloids?

It turns out that keloids can form from a variety of wounds! Not only those that occur accidentally, even professional wounds such as post-surgery have an effect. Here are some examples, Sereni-Trees:

  • Acne scars: Severe acne scars can be a potential keloid
  • Burns: If not treated properly, burns can develop into keloids
  • Chickenpox scars: Often chickenpox, especially in adults, will leave scars after healing
  • Ear piercing: The piercing process, especially in the ear area, is often a contributing factor due to “trauma” to the skin.
  • Scratches: Even small wounds are not free from contributing factors
  • Surgical incision area: Surgical scars such as cesarean and so on can affect
  • Vaccination area: Usually, people with high sensitivity and keloid-carrying genes can get vaccine injection marks

Then we get to the next discussion, is there really a gene for keloid factor carriers? According to studies, about 10% of the population experience keloid formation. Both men and women have the same risk of getting keloids. However, people with darker skin tones, such as people of Asian and Latin descent, are more prone to keloids. In addition, pregnant women and people under the age of 30 are also more likely to develop keloids.

This problem does have a genetic component, which means a person’s risk of developing keloids is higher if one or both parents have keloids. A 2015 study suggests that the AHNAK gene may play a role in determining who will develop keloids. People who have the AHNAK gene are more likely to develop keloids than those who do not have the gene.

How to Treat Keloid Problems Medically

Approximately, there are 4 ways to deal with keloid problems. The first is through non-surgical treatment. If the keloid wound is still fairly new, your doctor will usually recommend less invasive treatments, such as silicone pads, pressure bandages, or injections (corticosteroids with botulinum toxin type A).

The second way to deal with it is through surgery. This applies to very large keloids or older keloid scars. Even so, the rate of recurrence of keloid scars after surgery can be high. However, the benefits of removing large keloids may outweigh the risk of postoperative scars. Because sometimes, there are some keloids that grow larger, harden, and limit our movement!

For certain types of scars (including some keloids), your doctor may also recommend laser treatment. This treatment aims to smooth the keloid and surrounding skin with a high beam of light. By regularly performing this treatment, it is hoped that the skin area will become smoother and flatter.

These are some of the ways to solve keloid problems through medical options, Sereni-Trees! Don’t forget to find a suitable dermatologist/dermatologist and consult beforehand!

Natural Alternative Options for Keloid Management

Is there an alternative to medical treatment? Of course there are! Before moving on to the medical realm, we can try some home remedies at home to treat keloids. Let’s spill 4 natural ingredients that can be an option:

  • Coconut oil: This natural ingredient has anti-inflammatory properties and can help soften the skin and reduce the size of keloids. Apply coconut oil regularly on the keloid. Note: not recommended for those with oily skin.
  • Lavender oil: Lavender essential oil is not only soothing but also accelerates wound and burn healing. Research shows the use of lavender oil can accelerate wound closure and increase collagen synthesis. (Recommended lavender oil bodycare: Serenitree body wash & lotion calming variant).
  • Lemon: This sour fruit contains vitamin C, which aids in wound healing, prevents keloids from reappearing, and improves the structure and color of damaged skin. Squeeze the lemon and apply directly to the keloid. Leave it on for 30 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. Do this method twice a day on a regular basis.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar

The astringent content of apple cider vinegar can help reduce redness and promote healing. Mix apple cider vinegar with water, apply on keloids twice a day. Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse off. Repeat for 4-5 weeks until the keloids gradually disappear.

Those are 4 natural ingredients that you can try to treat keloids, Sereni-Trees! We also need to remember that to prevent keloids from forming, we must regularly use moisturizers and skincare. Why, moisturized and healthy skin will reduce the risk of keloid formation! Also, don’t forget to use sunscreen and avoid factors that support keloids!

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