
Are Skin Supplements Important and Effective?

Maintaining healthy skin is not only about skincare, but also lifestyle support such as a balanced diet and exercise! However, higher levels of pollution and various free radicals have led to the rise of skin problems. This begs the question, should we take skin supplements for extra “help”? Or could these supplements have a negative effect on our health? Instead of wondering, read this article until the end!

6 Popular Skin Supplements

Before we talk about how important skin supplements are, we should first learn what the most popular types of supplements are! You’ll often see these products in online and offline marketplaces. Some examples include:

  • Collagen

Collagen supplements are one of the most popular supplements, especially for those who want healthier skin.

Keep in mind that more research is needed on how collagen supplements can affect the skin. There is some evidence that they can improve certain aspects of skin health, including wrinkle depth, elasticity, and hydration. In addition, media and marketing claims are often overblown. So, make sure to be cautious and do your research first!

Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in skin function, and a deficiency in their intake can negatively affect the skin or even lead to skin diseases. 

Research shows that omega-3 supplements can benefit those with skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, and skin ulcers. But for the record, omega-3 supplements CANNOT directly improve skin appearance!  With the exception of helping with acne.

  • Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for producing collagen and helps protect the skin from UV rays. Some of its positive benefits include improving aspects of skin appearance, such as wrinkles and dryness.

It also turns out that this supplement will be much more effective if we take it together with zinc.  

  • Biotin

Biotin is a B vitamin that is a key ingredient in many hair, skin and nail supplements. However, there is no strong evidence that this supplement can have an effect.

Generally, those who need this supplement are those who are truly biotin deficient. We can also prevent biotin deficiency by living a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet!

  • Multinutrient Supplements

Similar to biotin, multivitamin supplements can be beneficial for people who are not getting enough micronutrients through their diet. This is especially true for those who are deficient in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B, or zinc.

Some of its benefits include improving common skin problems such as dryness and dullness. 

  • Probiotics

Typically probiotics are known to support gut health. What does this have to do with skin? A healthy gut or digestion leads to healthier skin! When there is a microbial imbalance in the gut, skin problems such as dryness, itchiness, acne, and eczema will appear! 

One thing we must remember, “balancing” the gut is not as simple as taking probiotics every day! Diet, lifestyle, sleep and stress levels are some of the many factors that affect gut health. 

These are some of the supplements that are really popular among skincare and health lovers! All of our body parts are interconnected. It’s no wonder that by taking care of your overall health, your skin will stay healthy and out of trouble!

Skincare VS Skin Supplements

If supplements do provide skin health benefits from within the body, isn’t that a good thing? Does that mean skin supplements can replace your skincare routine or are they superior?

The answer actually depends on your individual needs and skin condition. Basically, we need skincare to provide protection and special care for our skin, for example:

  • Protects against UV rays and free radicals
  • Solves skin problems
  • Hydrating and nourishing
  • Cleansing the skin
  • And so much more!

Meanwhile, while skin supplements are also beneficial, they are not always mandatory. As an add-on, it might be a good thing! But to replace the role of daily skincare is not enough. Remember, Sereni-Trees, the order of skincare and healthy lifestyle is number one, supplements are just “supporters” for healthier skin. Not to replace them!

Do we need skin supplements?

Continuing our previous discussion, so do we need skin supplements? To give you an idea, supplements are a “support” not an “obligation”. As for you, you may need supplements if you have conditions:

  • Nutritional deficiencies (vitamins A, C, D, E, zinc, or omega-3 fatty acids)
  • Specific skin problems (psoriasis, eczema)
  • Exposure to extreme environments
  • Recovery from a medical condition or stress
  • Age and genetics

Again, everyone’s skin and health conditions are different! Therefore, some may need skin supplements as part of their daily routine. How do we know if we do? It’s best to visit a professional dermatologist or dermatologist so that they can really get to know your skin concerns! Of course, with a consultation, we will also know which supplements are suitable for us!

Side Effects of Skin Supplements

Too much of a good thing is still not good. In this case, there will definitely be side effects! This is especially true if the supplement is not suitable or is more than what your body needs. This is why we warn to always consult a professional, because if it’s not suitable, the supplement will actually have an adverse effect on us.

For example, certain B vitamins can cause or aggravate acne. An overdose of vitamin A can cause dry and irritated skin, while high doses of vitamin E can increase the risk of bleeding. Inappropriate collagen supplements may cause digestive disorders such as bloating or diarrhea. In conclusion, excessive or inappropriate use of supplements according to the body’s needs can lead to nutritional imbalances and other negative effects on overall health. 
If Sereni-Trees wants healthy glowing skin, the secret is to use a skincare routine as needed, a healthy lifestyle, and a balanced diet. Instead of relying on supplements, we can keep our skin healthy by exercising moderately, consuming enough protein, fruits, and vegetables, and reducing fatty foods, sugar, or oil. Easy, right? The need for bodycare with minimal side effects is also available again, such as Serenitree bodycare with gentle and effective natural ingredients such as Tocopherol / Natural Vitamin E. So, there is no reason to be lazy to take care of yourself anymore!

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