Tips and Trick

Do these 8 Tricks to Prevent Wrinkles!

The appearance of wrinkles on the skin is something that will happen to everyone regardless of gender. However, there are often several factors that cause wrinkles to appear early. For example, smoking, exposure to pollution, or lack of proper skincare routine! So, what can we do to avoid this problem early on? Stay tuned for more information!

Can genes determine whether wrinkles appear sooner or later?

Indeed, wrinkles can appear due to many external and internal factors. But does genetics also play a role? Of course! This is what we call Intrinsic aging. Intrinsic aging is a process that we cannot avoid and is genetically naturally occurring. It is affected by the degenerative effects of free radicals and the body’s inability to completely repair the damage.

Over time, cells, tissues and vital organs begin to “rust” or deteriorate. These internal changes occur in muscles, fat and bones, although they are not as obvious as the signs of aging in the skin, which is an external organ.

Typically, intrinsic ageing will begin in your mid-20s, although the signs may not be visible for decades. Broadly speaking, the body starts to slow down collagen production and elastin loses some of its suppleness around this age. The result? Dead skin cells don’t slough off as quickly as before, and regeneration of new skin cells also decreases. Visible signs include: decreased position & loss of fat under the skin, sunken cheeks & eye sockets, and decreased skin firmness.

Other External Factors Causing Wrinkles

While 50% of the factors for wrinkles and premature aging are genetic, it’s possible that external factors can speed up the process! Some examples that we should be aware of are:

  • Unbalanced diet

If our body lacks adequate nutrition, then we can look 2 years older! This is why it is important to take care of the body as a whole to get glowing and youthful skin.

  • Dehydration

When we are often in air-conditioned rooms or cold areas, our skin is prone to dryness. Dry skin can hinder the skin regeneration process, especially if we don’t accompany it with moisturizer.

  • Smoking habit

Apart from damaging the lungs, smoking can damage the elastin fibers in the dermis which in turn creates fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Sun exposure

If we are frequently exposed to UV rays, especially without protection (sunscreen), wrinkles will appear faster. We call this photo aging.

Not only that, exposure to pollution, lack of skincare, being overweight, and repetitive facial movements (causing smile lines) also play a high role in causing premature wrinkles on our skin. So, how do we keep that from happening? 

Take Serenitree’s Tips as Prevention!

Relax, Sereni-Trees! We can prevent wrinkles from happening in the first place. Here are some surefire ways ala Serentitree, let’s try it now:

  • ALWAYS protect yourself from UV exposure

Unprotected skin from sun exposure will cause many problems such as wrinkles and dark spots. Therefore, always use a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 (the more intense and frequent the exposure, use a higher SPF). This not only applies to your skin, but your lips too!

  • Start using retinoids

Sereni-Trees who are already in their 20s should definitely include retinol skincare in your routine! Skincare with this ingredient is effective in increasing collagen production and skin regeneration. However, you have to do it in a process, first you can do it twice a week. Try to increase the intensity according to circumstances and needs! For those with sensitive skin, there are now many other natural alternative ingredients! (full explanation below)

  • Use moisturizer despite oily skin type

Regardless of skin type, moisturizing your skin is key to avoiding wrinkles. Moreover, as we age, the body’s ability to moisturize the skin decreases. Make sure to choose a moisturizer that suits your skin condition!

  • Keep hydrated from within

In addition to hydrating from the outside, we must also provide the body with hydration from within. Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses per day! Apart from its vital functions such as removing toxins from the body, aiding digestion, and regulating body temperature, water also helps keep the skin healthy and hydrated from within. Increase your hydration needs according to your condition and environment!

  • Avoid too much red meat, increase vegetables and fruits

You know, people who consume a lot of red meat and unhealthy foods tend to have more wrinkles! For example, foods rich in anti-inflammatory or antioxidant properties such as strawberries and mushrooms.

  • Supine sleeping position

Sleeping on your side or stomach can accelerate the formation of wrinkles due to mechanical stress on the facial skin. Who knew sleeping position could have such an effect! 

  • Avoid smoking

The process of smoking can damage the collagen and elastin in our skin. In addition, the nicotine in cigarettes also causes blood vessels to constrict, reducing blood flow to the skin. The result? The skin is deprived of oxygen and essential nutrients such as vitamin A and others.

  • Try to relax your face

Repetitive movements such as smoking a cigarette, squinting and frowning can accelerate wrinkles. This can be helped by a relaxed and easy-going mind (try yoga or other stress-relieving activities).

For those with sensitive skin, can we replace skincare ingredients with natural as a solution? Yes, we can! You can try Sunflower oil! This natural ingredient is rich in vitamins A, B, D, and E which are beneficial for moisturizing, treating, and repairing the skin barrier. In addition, the vitamin E in it also acts as an antioxidant that can help prevent wrinkles. If you are interested in trying, you can really check out the calming variant of Serenitree body lotion. Safe for sensitive skin, breastfeeding, pregnant women, and children aged 3 years and above!

So, those are the 8 tips from Serenitree! Are you interested in trying them out? Let’s prevent wrinkles early! Remember, the process of eliminating will be more difficult than preventing!

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