
Watch out for the 5 most common baby skin diseases!

Not only for adults, nowadays skin care for babies is no less varied! But make no mistake, moms! The most important thing in choosing skincare products for babies is products that are gentle, unscented, hypoallergenic, and contain few ingredients. This is because baby skin is very sensitive so it is certainly more susceptible to skin diseases such as rashes and irritation. 

Even a small amount of chemicals or colorants can cause side effects and lead to skin diseases, especially if it is not suitable or there are allergies. Therefore, to choose the right products, we should focus on simple skincare. Simple in the sense that it is beneficial to moisturize and protect the skin of babies and toddlers! Want to know more tips and the most common disease risks for your baby? Stay tuned!

What Causes Baby’s Skin to Be More Sensitive?

The skin acts as a huge protective barrier, which is why skincare is so important. Newborns have been in a neutral environment during pregnancy and are exposed to harsh irritants in their new environment. That means babies don’t yet have skin protection factors against exposure to the new environment, so they are more at risk of infection.

This high level of sensitivity often causes various types of rashes on our kids’ skin! It is possible for their skin condition to change every day. Some rashes can look shocking, stay calm moms! Most are harmless and will heal on their own. This common rash (erythema toxicum) is a benign rash that is very common in newborns. 

What are the symptoms? They can be seen as small red bumps or pimples that can cover the whole body (these bumps may look less red on darker skin tones). Diaper rash is also common, but we can help prevent it by changing diapers frequently and using diaper rash protection creams.

In addition to rashes, it is common for sensitive baby skin to flake off. The factor can be from certain irritants or also dryness. Therefore, we must not let our guard down and keep our baby’s skin hydrated and clean!

Most Common Baby Skin Diseases

As we’ve already discussed, a baby’s sensitive skin can cause a variety of skin diseases and conditions. Examples include diaper rash, heat rash, baby acne, cradle cap (seborrheic dermatitis), and eczema.

Diaper rash develops from contact with urine and feces. To prevent this, we can use a diaper rash protection cream with every diaper change that contains zinc oxide. It is also important that we change baby’s diapers diligently! Next, heat rash or prickly heat, is usually often located in the folds of the skin. This can happen in warm climates and will resolve with cooling. We can also use zinc oxide medication or lotion to soothe this condition.

Newborn acne commonly develops on the cheeks, chin, forehead and back. The cause could be due to hormones, skin hygiene, or bacteria. Seborrheic dermatitis, often seen as a cradle cap with crusty yellow flakes on the scalp. This condition can spread to the face, neck and body. Apart from oil production and fungal growth, seborrheic dermatitis is also thought to be caused by an abnormal response from the immune system. For treatment, the doctor will usually give antifungal drugs or topical corticosteroids.

Lastly, babies are also prone to eczema. Eczema is characterized by dry, flaky and sometimes itchy patches on the face and body. Why does this happen? It could be because we may bathe our babies too often. Too much bathing can strip the skin of its natural oils and cause dryness! 

Unique facts: A full bath is not necessary every day, especially for newborns, but skin folds and areas that look dirty need to be cleaned daily to prevent odor and buildup of old skin cells. In general, a bath every 48-72 hours is sufficient – after the umbilical cord falls off. 

As a recommendation, a short shower is sufficient. If the skin is very sensitive, you can wipe the skin with a soft wet cloth, without soaking in water. Don’t forget to apply an unscented moisturizer immediately! 

Recommendations for Choosing Baby Skincare Products

Serenitree will provide keywords for the right product selection, namely:

  • “Noncomedogenic” – does not clog pores
  • “Hypoallergenic” – does not cause allergies
  • “Unscented” – unscented

In addition, there are also some ingredients that we must avoid. These include skincare with parabens, SLS, phthalates, and fragrances. These products when ingested or absorbed through the skin can cause dangerous medical conditions!

Instead, skincare with natural ingredients (less chance of irritation) for babies is now available. Here are some natural ingredients that could be an option:

  • Shea butter: Hydrates, reduces itching and dryness
  • Aloe vera: Soothes inflammation, helps with eczema, relieves itching
  • Almond oil: Absorbs moisture, improves blood circulation, reduces water loss
  • Olive oil: Promotes the growth of new skin cells, regenerates skin tissue, hydrates the skin

Those are some choices of natural ingredients for our baby moms! We need to remember that products specifically branded for “babies” are often more expensive because of the target market. However, it is the safest choice for our baby! We recommend that for babies and toddlers, use baby-specific products with the three keywords above!

After the baby turns 3 years old, we can continue skincare with Serenitree body wash, followed by Serenitree body lotion. These two products are the best combo in cleansing and moisturizing. It’s not just for kids, we adults with sensitive skin and even pregnant women and mothers can safely use it because of its natural ingredients, without SLS, phthalates, parabens, and other harsh chemicals. So, let’s take care of our skin health and baby as early as possible to be protected from the risk of skin diseases! Relax moms, now there are many options that we can choose according to skin conditions!

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